
Someone said the clever phrase that if you cannot find time to rest, then soon you will have to find it for visits to doctors. Without a proper rest, it is impossible to live a happy and healthy life, achieve success at the university or in the workplace. Everyone knows that we all need to rest, but, unfortunately, not everyone understands what a full-fledged vacation is. It’s not enough just to lie on the couch and watch the TV series. It is necessary to visit some new place and get vivid impressions.
The second most popular reason for refusing the travel is the lack of time (the first is money). But this is only an imaginary lack of time. Why? Read this article and you will find out.

When can a student travel?

The older the person, the faster time runs, and its scarcity is felt more and more. No matter what you think, time accelerates. It is better to begin to travel now, in the student years, than not to travel at all. Time for rest always can be found. You just need to look for it better.
Many young people combine work with study. Of course, the task becomes more complicated for them. But even such students have the right to a legal vacation which can be combined with summer/winter holidays. It’s a perfect moment to go on a long trip. But you can have a great rest even in “working” periods.
There are more than 100 days off (almost 4 months) out of 365 days in a year. There are holidays that “fall out” on the weekends. Then they are shifted, the number of days off increases, and we may rest for 3-4 days in a row. During this time, you can have a perfect trip, let it be not on another continent but somewhere nearby. There are many interesting places “at your side” that you have not seen. They may give you a lot of positive emotions.
Just make the trip a priority, shift all business from weekends and enjoy your free time. Fortunately, you can easily get rid of the routine work on essays and abstracts. You should just contact the representatives of the specialized company (for example Pro-Papers writing service), and your assignment will be ready by the agreed deadline. So, while you will be enjoying scuba diving or visiting museums, a specialist will do your homework.

The main organization principles for the weekend trip

  1. Since you have to save time, every hour is important. Book in advance a direct flight on Friday night or Saturday early morning. You can go back on Sunday night. The ideal duration of the flight is up to 3.5 hours, as the maximum – 5 hours. Otherwise, there will be too little time to stay in a new city, and the whole idea loses its meaning. There are many options for such flights. Airlines perfectly cover the demand for popular routes.
  2. It is very desirable to look for the hotel or hostel in the heart of the city, so as not to waste valuable time on the road. There is no sense to reserve a particularly luxurious option. You will spend very little time there. It is better to choose a service with breakfast, so as not to seek where to eat in the morning in an unfamiliar place. The period of stay is usually 1-2 days (depending on the time of the flight). As an option, you can arrive early in the morning, go directly to the city and save money on 1 day in a hotel.
  3. You do not need to take a lot of things with you so give up a bulky luggage. It is convenient to have a backpack with the clothes for a couple of days, cosmetics in small bottles up to 100 ml, documents, small first-aid kit, camera, batteries, phone charger, headphones, and a book. As for shoes, it is better to limit yourself to one universal pair. The same applies to a jacket if needed. As a result, you will have a 4-5 kg backpack, with which you can go to the airport immediately after university or work.
  4. Depending on the place, compile a plan of actions in order to see the most interesting sights. There can be a lot of attractions in a big city, and you can spend a lot of time to orient yourself. But this can be done in advance. At a minimum, study the map of the city to understand its structure, find out how to get from the airport to the hotel and back.
  5. If the territory is new for you, check out the list of interesting places on the Internet. Sometimes, it’s even useful to make an hourly plan. But more often, it’s just an approximate list of points that tourists visit whenever possible.
  6. Also, be sure to check whether the festival, concert, exhibition or some other event will take place at the time of your visit. Interesting coincidences can adorn and diversify the trip.
  7. It is better to choose the directions where a visa is not required or issued on arrival. Long passes received for previous trips are also an excellent option. It is very advantageous that you will not break any rules. On the border, there will be no problems due to the short term. Weekend travels are very popular and are not something special for the border guards.
  8. The cost of recreation can be very different depending on the direction and time of the year. Usually, about 60% of the costs fall on air tickets. But you can perfectly save on them using the accumulated bonus miles provided for in some airlines.

Of course, it is very difficult to absorb the spirit of the city or the atmosphere of a new place in a short time. But it is more than real to get acquainted, see and visit it!
The main thing to understand that it is a special genre of traveling which is not bad at all. For a busy person, a weekend trip is an opportunity to get distracted from everyday affairs, not to focus on routine, to expand the horizon and to feel a taste for life.



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