
Coron getaways wouldn’t be complete without having a tour around town. We didn’t expect we would be doing a town tour as we were more inclined to see the beaches and islands, but Coron Town Tour is one that you shouldn’t miss. There are a lot of options for accommodations and hotels but what we loved was Coron Soleil Garden Resort. A cheaper option with 5-star amenities is their Express Hotel located within the compound.

Coron Blue Lagoon Adventure Travel & Tours

Coron town tour could be done without having to book from an agency or tour package. However, if you are looking for extra convenience, then booking a tour is a MUST. Our Coron Town Tour was provided by Coron Blue Lagoon Adventure Travel and Tours – they have been in the industry for long and are participating in Travel Mart events. Legitimacy is important for travelers and I assure you they have provided an experience we couldn’t forget.
Coron Blue Lagoon Adventure Travel and Tours provided the best experience we could get in touring the town. From pick-up at the hotel to the food, everything was a bliss. The van transport from one point to another is another remarkable trait about them. Even if the two of you are the only clients booked for the day, they’d still accommodate you and won’t transfer you to another operator. Do take note of this: the food was really sumptuous especially the Buttered Garlic Crabs! Yum!

If you want a travel agency who’ll also take care of airfare and accommodation, I also recommend Philippines Travel Package. They offer complete packages for Coron, and you could even combine it with other Palawan destinations! Their service is 100% tailor-made, so adding in the town tour is no problem at all. You can see all of their Palawan packages here and just tell them exactly which tours and attractions you’d like to include in it.

Coron Town Tour

Coron town tour usually includes the following:


Souvenir Shops

Coron Town Tour - Souvenir Shop -
There are quite a number of souvenir shops in Coron and they are bringing their clients to the biggest souvenir shop in town. From cashew delicacies (roasted, sweetened, etc) to handmade crafts, keychains, ref magnets and shirts, everything is available. Some items may appear quite pricey at this store but since there are tough competitions, you can always look around other shops.

Lualhati Park

Coron Town Tour - Lualhati Park -
Part of the Lualhati Park.

Lualhati Park serves as the main docking port for island tours. You may also just relax and unwind on this part of the town or take some photos of the Coron shoreline. There was actually a zipline here before but it was already ruined and has stopped operations since Coron was hit by an earthquake. You’d find here are good vantage point for Mt. Tapyas. A few around here is also the Public Market of Coron.

St. Augustine Church

Coron Town Tour - St. Augustine Church -
St. Augustine Church

As for me, I’d really like to visit churches in every place I go, so St. Augustine Church is also a part of our main itinerary. You’d be surprised by how intimate St. Augustine Church is. It can room more than 100 people and it’s also located in the town centre few blocks away from the Lualhati Park and Mt. Tapyas. Drop by in here to pray and give thanks to the Almighty. May you be blessed!


Mt. Tapyas

Coron Town Tour - Mt. Tapyas -
Mt. Tapyas viewdeck

Mt. Tapyas is one of the main highlights of the town tour. It requires 721 steps from the foot of the mountain to reach the summit. At the view deck, you’d be able to see the view of Coron town as it is the highest peak in the area. When we got there, the grasses were already tall and is pleasant for the eyes especially for photographers looking for a scenic landscape.
Mt. Tapyas is open at all times, some people go here to camp (especially for foreigners with a tent) to save accommodation fees or picnic with friends and family. You also don’t have to worry about getting tired as there would be benches on your way up to the summit. Mt. Tapyas also is a good spot to witness sunrise and sunset in full view. Located at the foot of this mountain is also the Coron Soleil Garden Resort.

Maquinit Hot Springs

After a tiring climb at Mt. Tapyas, you should never miss the Maquinit Hot Springs, a natural saltwater hot spring located only in Coron. It’s best when you go here when there’s still daylight to capture the beauty but it would be more romantically pleasing to the eyes during the night, and enjoyable too. The temperature plays from 36°C to 42°C. Why it’s hot? An underwater volcano is situated nearby and that makes the water in this particular area hot.

Coron Town Tour - Maquinit Hot Springs -
Maquinit Hot Springs during the night

Just be careful when dipping into the hot waters of the spring. Your body needs to adjust to the temperature first so start by dipping your hands to test the water temperature. If you’re okay with it, then go ahead with your feet and legs, don’t go all the way yet as your body would react violently over the hot water, you might feel some palpitation. When you feel good about the heat, slowly dip in your whole body to the water. Recommended dipping time is from 10 minutes to 15 minutes with some intervals between each dip.
Maquinit Hot Spring will help you relieve tensions and muscle tiredness and helps heal other ailments on your body especially after climbing up to the peak of Mt. Tapyas. A great way to relax and end the day before heading to bed or enjoying the night more at the bars in town.
There still are more places to see in the town but we opted to skip some as our time is limited and we really wanted to enjoy the hot spring more. Your schedule depends on you so make the most out of it during your travels. Your memories are a treasure and no one can take it away from you. 🙂
You may contact Coron Blue Lagoon Adventure Travel and Tours via their FB page or send them an email for tours quotations and packages at or
